ceturtdiena, 2011. gada 18. augusts

6th day: Lukang old city, glass artworks and miracles

Today I went with my family to Lukang which is very close of a place of my host family. On a way to Lukang we were in Lukang’s glass gallery which was simply amazing. So far I have been in glass exhibitions in several countries but this one is the most beautiful. When we entered on the 1st floor of the gallery there were different shops where you could buy whatever you wish so: if you want to buy something from jewelry-here it is, if you want to buy the sculptures made of glass: here they are and so on. On the second floor there were a lot of artistic sculptures made of glass and some of them were very big and most surprisingly- despite the big size every detail was precise.

Then we went to Lukang were we visited the famous Mazu temple and an old street nearby. It was great to feel an aura of Taiwan’s history so I appreciated that I have a chance to get known a little bit of Taiwan’s architecture, culture, religion from an aspect of the past.

Today I observed that in Lukang were more tourists comparing in the places where I have been so far so that it means that Lukang is a hot spot for the tourists. However here were more tourists but again I just recognized that only few of them were not from Asia so I think that still Taiwan’s area outside from Taipei probably isn’t yet appealing or it is unknown for the tourists from Europe, North America, Australia’s continent and other places.
Then with a great dinner we finished our trip and today I was earlier at the place of my host family and tomorrow we thought about going in hiking close to Taichung.

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