sestdiena, 2011. gada 13. augusts

Arrival in Taiwan 12.08.2011

After a 1 day long journey from Riga to Taipei (Taoyuan airport) I arrived in Taiwan. An environment in the airport already gave me an image that this country is highly developed, colorful and its people are extremely kind. In the airport were a lot of SayTaiwan volunteers who were so helpful and helped us with the directions: how to get to the High Speed railway station and how to reach a city where a assigned hostfamily will wait for us.

I didn't know in which hostfamily I was supposed to live before arrival in Taiwan and that's why I was kind of worried. But when I arrived in Taichung railway station and when I saw a artistic poster with my name and gift then all my worries disappeared. My intuition said that I'm in the good hands.

When they picked up me then we drove to the local Taiwanese restaurant from which was a great view to all over of Changhua city and in the background was my favorite music style-classic jazz.:) My family ordered so much food that I wasn't able to eat it all but anyway I appreciated to try a authentic Taiwanese food as I'm a lover of the delicacies and gastronomy surprises ( of course in a positive way). After dinner my family took me in a little excursion around Changhua although it was dark but even in a night Changhua's major tourist attraction object- the Great Buddha statue was stunning and marvellous. After this excursion we went home where we made an itinerary for the rest of a time which I will be in their family. So I'm looking forward discovering Taiwan! :)

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